"BRIdGe for Helping Talent”
Talent being Bright in its own.
Our projects
If you want to find out more about our projects, click the on the map
10 Study Loans in the Philippines
Having met in November 2023 in Manila an engaged staff
As schools opened again in Cambodia, January 2022, at the
Supporting two university students
Over 2020-2023, we have supported two university students, Ruth (business
Building a dormitory in Ruacana
In October 2022we visited our school in Ruacana, Namibia, and
Suggestions for a project?
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Donate now
Donations of € 40 or more made in Belgium are tax deductible. Donors who are based in France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or Denmark are entitled to the tax benefits granted by their country of residence when they donate directly to the Foundation.
If you wish to make a donation to the BRIGHT Fund, you can do this by bank transfer to the King Baudouin Foundation’s account IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404 (BIC: BP0TBEB1), with structured communication ***019 / 0660/00001***.
You can also donate online via the below link:
la même quantité de merveilles
because it is more than one can express
that makes life interesting
is to help another human being know more
Maakt je Roos juist zo belangrijk
Je blijft altijd verantwoordelijk voor wat je tam hebt gemaakt,
je blijft verantwoordelijk voor je roos
Love like you never get hurt
Sing like no one is listening and
Live like it’s heaven on earth
the future a mystery,
Today is a gift
The Rivers our Veins,
The Forests are our Thoughts,
And the Stars are our Dreams,
The Ocean is our Heart,
It's Pounding is our Pulse,
The Songs of the Earth write the Music of our Soul
Your Feet should be Dirty,
Your Hair Messy,
And your Eyes sparkling

About us
Zahra & Koen
“We love traveling, We are positive, curious, passionate, committed, spontaneous”
Our philosophy : love, live, laugh !
We have set up the BRIGHT charity Fund that sets as a goal to help people from all over the world, to give them more options in life through support for study. We wish to offer a bridge for people who wish to learn, or develop a skill, may they fall short in that goal for financial or other resources.
The Fund is not limited to funding students for university studies alone. We intend to support also elementary or high school students, and initiatives in culture, art, music, dance, hand skills and the like, all in respectful diversity.
Set up under the umbrella of the Belgian King Baudouin Foundation (KBF), the Fund aims to develop talent, or at least take away the obstacles to reaching that goal.